President's Message May 2021

Greetings everyone,

It's that time of year to GET INVOLVED with ACSN! Can you tell that I am excited? You recently received an invitation from our fantastic Conference Planning Team to serve as a conversation facilitator. Is there a relevant topic that you are dying to discuss with colleagues from institutions of all sizes? It is a great way to put a toe in the water as a volunteer and to meet fellow members. This year’s virtual conference is going to be fantastic. I hope that you have signed up because the committee has wonderful things in store for us!

You also received an invitation from our Membership Committee to nominate a colleague or yourself for a role on the board. Are you interested in gaining leadership experience? We don’t always have the opportunity to serve in leadership roles at our institutions. Serving on the ACSN board will give you the opportunity to develop your leadership skills such as organizing, facilitating, communicating, leading, decision making, planning, implementing, program planning, webinar facilitation, report writing, strategic planning, goal setting and more.  Follow the advice that you give your clients and think about your own career advancement.

I have met the most wonderful colleagues through volunteerism with ACSN. I can turn to them for advice and support anytime, and I know that I will be greeted with an enthusiastic willingness to collaborate, share information, or just lend a listening ear. I hope that you consider getting involved. You won’t regret it! Submit the self-nomination form by May 9. 

Take good care,

Marilyn Bury Rice
The Ohio State University