Online Programs

ACSN Member Discussion Group 
Friday, March 21, 2025 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET / 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PT
For ACSN members only Register Here>>

Title: ACSN Member Discussion Group: Benchmarking Survey Results

In case you missed it, the results are in, and the conversation is flowing! Back by popular demand, we’re excited to discuss the findings from our recent ACSN benchmarking survey. Interested in learning more about programming, coaching, staff roles & responsibilities, or third-party connections & vendors? We’ve got the breakout rooms for you. Register to receive a copy of the report and discover key trends and best practices in alumni engagement, career support, and more. Come ready to have a fruitful discussion on our work, the impacts we see, and how this data can help us be better prepared practitioners.

Members can view the Benchmarking Survey by logging in and going to the member center. 

Hosted by the Resources & Research Committee. 

ACSN Member Discussion Group 
Friday, April 11, 2025 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET / 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PT
For ACSN members only Register Here>>

Join us for a monthly professional development discussion group designed exclusively for Alumni Career Services Network members. This group offers a valuable opportunity to connect with peers, share innovative ideas, ask questions, and seek advice in a collaborative environment. Whether you're looking to stay current with industry trends, find creative solutions to challenges, or simply grow as a professional, these sessions will provide the space and support you need to thrive. Engage with fellow members, exchange best practices, and strengthen your network as we all work together to advance our careers and better serve our alumni communities.

The discussion will be led by ACSN Past President, Maura Sweeney.

ACSN Presents Navigating Tough Times: How to Find Your Next Job Amidst Uncertainty
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 03:00 PM ET
Register Here>>

ACSN (the world's largest network of alumni career services leaders) invites you to join LinkedIn's former head of Education Marketing, Jeremy Schifeling, to learn the insider secrets to navigate this challenging moment, including: -How to shift your career to a new role or industry - even if you're not sure how to make the leap -How to make sure your LinkedIn profile is ready - by focusing on the keywords that recruiters are searching for right now -How to increase your chances 10X even when opportunities are scarce - and even if you've been laid-off While the session will be recorded, just be sure to join LIVE since only live participants will be eligible to win a free LinkedIn Profile Makeover from Jeremy himself!

Stay tuned to this page for upcoming webinars.

Webinars and networking events are free for ACSN members and usually $25 for non-members. If you are not yet a member, you can join during registration. Members are welcome to bring non-member guests for a $25 fee.

For more information, contact us at [email protected]

Product Demos

Product demos are free and open exclusively to ACSN members. If you are not yet a member, join today! For more information, contact us at [email protected].

Archived Programs

All webinars and product demos are archived online for your convenience. To view an individual recording, you will be prompted to log in to the ACSN website.