President's Message May 2022
As spring is here, and summer is fast approaching, many of us are in the midst of our busiest time of year. From preparing graduating students to be our school’s newest alumni, to our ongoing work with previous years’ graduates, the reality of being “an office of one or two” cannot be avoided. There’s just too much to do, and we can only do what we can.
During this challenging time, remember you’re not alone. Your fellow ACSN members know what you’re going through, as most are in the same boat, and they can be a source of affirmation and inspiration. If you need it now, reach out to someone you know well, or someone you’d like to know better, to check-in, ask a question, or get advice on something that’s challenging you.
I’ve heard it time and again: “The people I’ve met through ACSN know me better, and know what I do more, than people on my own campus.” If you feel as I do that ACSN members are 'my people', I hope you’ll do whatever it takes to join us in San Diego for our first in-person conference since 2019!
Good luck wrapping up the academic year, and I hope you find some time to rejuvenate before July. If not, rejuvenate in San Diego!
Best wishes,
James Chang University of Oregon